— B. Jay Cooper occasionally hands out awards for Yos! and Oys!, celebrating those individuals who do good deeds (Yo!) and bad ones (Oy!). The Committee on Yos! and Oys! meets when it feels like it.
Diverse perspectives and personal viewpoints on politics, society, and culture. With thought-provoking commentary from seasoned writers, this section invites readers to engage with bold, often challenging viewpoints that spark debate and encourage critical reflection on today's pressing issues.
— B. Jay Cooper occasionally hands out awards for Yos! and Oys!, celebrating those individuals who do good deeds (Yo!) and bad ones (Oy!). The Committee on Yos! and Oys! meets when it feels like it.
— If Donald Trump is elected President in 2024, none of the world’s democracies will be safe or protected from China’s or Russia’s forced attempts to convert democracies to autocracies.
— What is the difference between the Terminator and Boris Johnson? One is an inhuman evil destructive force without empathy or compassion. The other is also Prime Minister.
— Liz Truss is reportedly far ahead amongst Conservative party members who blame Rishi Sunak for defenestrating Boris Johnson – a view which Johnson himself is keen to foster... to prepare a triumphant return when Tory MPs decide to get rid of an inept Truss.
— From the start, the Tories chose to reduce public investment and encouraged companies to prioritise profits over investment too. The result: whilst we claim to be a rich country, we now have 14.2 million people in poverty.
— The British Government has now pretty much abandoned any pretence that the rule of law counts for anything when it is supposed to apply to... the British Government.
— While some in the United States are chomping away at our rights, others are attacking our democracy from within. What are they afraid of?
— The UK’s benefits system for disabled people, whose life with a disability is a life spent battling to achieve even the simplest of tasks and that takes an immense toll physically and emotionally, is simply vile and insidious, and the assessment is just appalling.
— Right around this time next year, from June 2023 thru July 2023, the greatest, most successful, and freest exercise of self-government, American democracy, will constitutionally end.
— Our next PM, supported by a global network of free-market think tanks, will attempt to turn Britain into a Libertarian-Right dystopia by enacting the insane and cruel policies outlined in a book by Jacob Rees-Mogg’s dad.
— As the two words “I resign” have not crossed his lips and he is carrying on as though nothing had happened in a very disturbing way... Has Boris Johnson actually resigned?
— Rishi Sunak, Sajid Javid and others resigning now have been complicit in Boris Johnson’s trashing the standards expected in public office. They are as bad as he is. He is their creature.
— I don’t believe Cassidy Hutchinson intentionally lied on the stand, at all. I believe she testified honestly to what she knows first-hand and to what she heard second-hand.
— Boris Johnson and the UK Supreme Court can say no if they want to... Well, we say yes, and we are the people.
— The U.S. Supreme Court throwing out the precedent-setting Roe v. Wade ruling obviously draws strong feelings on both sides of the issue.
— The Juneteenth Holiday makes white nationalists and Republicans who make attempts to delete history, members of the walking-dead club.