— Refugees, despite enduring relentless hardships and evictions, persist in seeking sanctuary in the UK through perilous crossings, displaying unwavering determination.
— Refugees, despite enduring relentless hardships and evictions, persist in seeking sanctuary in the UK through perilous crossings, displaying unwavering determination.
— New refugees have just 28 days to access the essential services they need to rebuild their lives in the UK. In the ‘destitution gap’, many will become homeless.
— Asylum seekers were evacuated from the Bibby Stockholm barge due to legionella bacteria. The barge, which has been controversial for its cramped conditions and impact on the local community, is feared to increase the risk of mental health issues and infectious diseases among residents.
— Amidst the ongoing debate about asylum seekers being housed on barges, Tory MP Lee Anderson’s populist views have stirred controversy.
UK Immigration Policy
— Semi-carceral facilities accommodating irregular migrants are designed to be hostile spaces that expose people to substandard conditions and keep them on the move, detached from wider society.