— It is fair to say that over the past 20 years Scotland has forged a more inclusive notion of nationalism, while Anglo-British nationalism is characterised by British exceptionalism.
Also known as Paul Kavanagh. Blogger. Biting the hand of Project Fear.
— It is fair to say that over the past 20 years Scotland has forged a more inclusive notion of nationalism, while Anglo-British nationalism is characterised by British exceptionalism.
— A ritual introduced in Victorian times in order to distract and deflect from the popular demand for a government which was democratic, representative, and accountable. One hundred and seventy years later it is still performing the same role.
— Anyone chosen by the Tories to replace the PM will have been a party to, and complicit in, the lies, corruption, authoritarianism, and deceit which has characterised the Tory party under Boris Johnson.
— How Parliamentary democracy in the UK could die, suffocated in the Tupperware box containing the cake that Boris Johnson was allegedly ambushed by.
— Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has been included on a list of politicians from the UK who have been sanctioned by Vladimir Putin’s regime and banned from ever visiting Russia again. Wee Ginger Dug explains what it means for Scotland.
— Boris Johnson comparing the agonies of Ukraine with Brexit, claiming that both are examples of standing up for freedom, is a crass insult to crassness.
— As you don’t agree to an out of court settlement if you are confident that you can win your case in a court of law, you just don’t give a prime minister the power of unaccountability.
— It is clear both that Boris Johnson will not go quietly and it is unlikely that backbench Tories will find enough of a collective spine to unseat him as they are desperate to move on from the Downing Street parties.
— We were all suffering isolation for the greater good, in order to protect ourselves and our vulnerable friends and relatives, whilst Boris Johnson was himself ignoring the rules that the rest of us had to follow.
— At this point in time, it might be easier for Boris Johnson to list the days when there wasn’t a booze-up in Downing Street.
— The UK is now at that critical point where it is about to slide into full-blown authoritarianism, presided over by an entitled clown.
— What the Tories are getting with Boris Johnson is precisely what they should have expected they were going to get. He’s incapable of change and as such is a perfect figurehead for a corrupt and shambolic Westminster which is incapable of reform.
— The eyes of the world saw a British Government desperately trying to evade democratic scrutiny and oversight as it helped to water down vital resolutions on the future of the planet. The Conservatives have trashed the UK’s international reputation.
— In the next independence referendum campaign, the Conservatives and their anti-independence allies will flood Scotland with billboard campaigns and social media advertising paid for with dark money sourced outside Scotland.