
Trump’s a convicted felon. Now what?

Despite opposition, Trump shouldn’t face prison for non-violent crimes, unlike Cohen and Weisselberg. His conviction polarises supporters, and legally, his conviction stands. But the GOP’s stance favours Trump’s influence over winning elections.

Trump’s a convicted felon. Now what?

A s much as many who oppose former President Donald Trump would like to see him behind bars, he should not be sent to prison in the hush money trial.

His crimes aren’t violent, he is old, much as he doesn’t like to admit it (who does?) and most who commit the crime he did, don’t go to jail.

Notwithstanding that two who were charged associated with his crimes did and are doing time – Michael Cohen and Allen Weisselberg, the Trump Organization’s CFO.

And, much as Trump also does not want to go to prison – despite his bravado saying he would go – it likely only solidifies more (if that’s possible) the love his core supporters have for him.

That’s the legal and political analysis.

Well, most of it.

First, it’s way too early to know what’s going to happen on November 5. There are wars going on, our borders leak, there are debates to be held and there are weeks of ups and downs coming for both Trump and President Joe Biden.

There’s Biden’s son’s trial, but that should have no impact on the election. It’s Hunter on trial, not his dad.

And, whatever the outcome in that trial, whatever the jury says goes – just as it was in Trump’s trial. That’s our system. And it’s worked far more than it’s failed in our history.

Should Trump have been charged in this case? Well, others were, so I guess he should have been too. You can call it flimsy, call it shaky, but he was charged, tried and found guilty by a jury of his peers.

It wasn’t politics, no matter what some want to believe.

But, with Trump, everything is politics – even his claims that the Supreme Court should step in and overturn his conviction. And the Speaker of the House, a lawyer, said the same thing. But, the U.S. Supreme Court only takes up state cases when a person’s constitutional rights have been put in question.

And that ain’t gonna happen.

If it does, wrap our country up in a bow and just hand it to Putin. The party literally would be over.

We are in a polarized point in our history. The polls matter, for the day they were taken and that’s about it.

The polls, so far, show that among that slim ribbon of voters who likely will make the difference in November, the view is Trump broke the law, the jury found him guilty and he should give up his campaign.

The United States just should not have a convicted felon in the White House. And, likelihood is, if Trump did withdraw, the Republicans would be favored to win the election, bigly.

So, what is the GOP doing?

It makes no sense other than the GOP leadership – the Republican National Committee (now taken over by Trump) and elected officials from Congress to many in the state and local levels – have sold out to a wannabe dictator rather than do what they are supposed to do – win elections for members of the party.

At least, I thought that was their job.



▪ This piece was first published in The Screaming Moderate and re-published in PUBLIC SQUARE UK on 8 June 2024 under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International licence. | The author writes in a personal capacity.
Cover: Flickr/Gage Skidmore. (Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.)
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