UK Politics

Nigel Farage eyes political return: A Tory takeover?

In the face of rising populism in Europe, Nigel Farage hints at a dramatic return to British politics, which could have significant implications for the UK’s political landscape.

Nigel Farage eyes political return: A Tory takeover?

In the face of rising populism in Europe, Nigel Farage hints at a dramatic return to British politics, which could have significant implications for the UK’s political landscape.

I n a recent development that could redefine British politics, Nigel Farage, a figure synonymous with Brexit and polarising political tactics, has signalled potential plans to return to the political forefront.

“Party politics, campaigning, being involved in elections, that is now over for me because I’ve achieved the one thing I set out to do: to achieve the independence of the UK.”

— Nigel Farage, 7 March 2021

The Bannon Endorsement

Steve Bannon, known for his role in shaping Donald Trump’s presidency, has given a robust endorsement to Nigel Farage on The Sun’s politics show, Never Mind the Ballots, suggesting that Farage is poised to lead a populist surge in the UK.


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