
THE SQUARE Today 🌐 12 April 2024

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THE SQUARE Today 🌐 12 April 2024

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The Editor

Looming Famine Threatens Lives of Millions in Sudan

The ongoing civil war has severely impacted food production, leading to acute shortages of essential resources such as water and fuel. Over eight million people have been displaced, with alarming rates of malnourishment among children under five.

The World Health Organization has issued a stark warning, indicating that five million individuals are on the verge of famine in conflict-affected areas. Without immediate intervention, the situation is expected to deteriorate significantly in the upcoming months.

Urgent Humanitarian Assistance Needed for Ukrainians on Frontlines

The UN migration agency, IOM, has reported that 3.3 million Ukrainians living on the frontlines are in dire need of emergency assistance due to the ongoing conflict. The situation in Ukraine remains critical, with Ukrainians facing constant attacks, missile strikes, destruction of infrastructure, and frequent power cuts.

Of particular concern are the 800,000 children living on the frontlines, among the 14.6 million people in Ukraine requiring humanitarian aid. Immediate assistance is crucial to address the urgent needs of displaced individuals and host communities affected by the conflict.

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