UK Politics

Labour leads in latest YouGov poll on general election outcome

A new survey by YouGov shows that more people think Labour will win the next general election than the Conservatives.

Labour leads in latest YouGov poll on general election outcome

A new survey by YouGov shows that more people think Labour will win the next general election than the Conservatives.

A ccording to a recent YouGov poll, 23% of respondents think that the most likely result of the next general election is a small Labour majority, followed by 16% who think it will be a hung Parliament resulting in a Labour-led government, and 12% a large Labour majority.

On the other hand, only 9% think the Conservatives will secure a small majority, and 2% think they will achieve a large one.

In total, as many as 51% of respondents think Labour will win the next general election, whilst only 11% think the Tories will win.


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