
Feline coronavirus and bird flu kill cats across Europe

An alarming rise in cat deaths in Cyprus and Poland has sparked concern among health experts. A potent strain of feline coronavirus is suspected in Cyprus, while avian flu is affecting cats in Poland. The situation has instigated studies into potential risks to human health.

Feline coronavirus and bird flu kill cats across Europe
Adobe Stock/Bohdan Melnyk

An alarming rise in cat deaths in Cyprus and Poland has sparked concern among health experts. A potent strain of feline coronavirus is suspected in Cyprus, while avian flu is affecting cats in Poland. The situation has instigated studies into potential risks to human health.

R ecently, there’s been a worrying increase in cat deaths across Cyprus and Poland due to two separate diseases. Experts are investigating these incidents, raising questions about potential risks to humans.

The Cyprus Situation

In Cyprus, thousands of cats have succumbed to a virulent form of feline coronavirus. This virus isn’t related to COVID-19 and doesn’t affect humans. In most cases, it only causes mild stomach issues in cats. However, it can lead to Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), a deadly disease that spreads the virus throughout the cat’s body, causing severe inflammation.

Earlier this year, vets in Cyprus noticed a sudden surge in FIP cases. The Cat Protection and Welfare Society (PAWS) in Cyprus estimated around 300,000 cats might have died from FIP since January, based on the island’s cat population of roughly 1 million. However, Dr Charalampos Attipa, a veterinary clinical pathology lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, clarified these numbers are yet to be validated. Regardless, he describes the situation as “very alarming.”


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