
Top cities for quality of life: Vienna tops, UK cities slip

The Global Liveability Index has given us insights into the quality of life in cities worldwide. Vienna, Copenhagen, and Melbourne took the top spots, while UK cities saw a decline. Meanwhile, Asian cities are on the rise, hinting at a shift in the global landscape.

Top cities for quality of life: Vienna tops, UK cities slip

The Global Liveability Index has given us insights into the quality of life in cities worldwide. Vienna, Copenhagen, and Melbourne took the top spots, while UK cities saw a decline. Meanwhile, Asian cities are on the rise, hinting at a shift in the global landscape.

L iving conditions in major cities around the world are generally improving. This is according to the most recent Global Liveability Index, which has just posted its highest average score in a decade and a half.

Vienna once again outshone all others, remaining at the top of the index. Following closely were Copenhagen and Melbourne in second and third places. These cities continue to set the standard with their stable environments, robust infrastructure, exceptional education and healthcare services, and a rich blend of culture and entertainment. However, London found itself further down the list, ranked 46th.


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