Donald Trump

Donald Trump facing seven federal charges concerning his handling of classified documents

Former president Donald Trump is set to face seven federal charges concerning his handling of classified documents. The very serious charges filed by special counsel Jack Smith in federal district court in Miami may carry a maximum penalty of 10 years.

Donald Trump facing seven federal charges concerning his handling of classified documents
Photo: Flickr/

Former president Donald Trump is set to face seven federal charges concerning his handling of classified documents. The charges filed by special counsel Jack Smith in federal district court in Miami may carry a maximum penalty of 10 years.

F ormer US President Donald Trump is set to face seven federal charges concerning his handling of classified documents. He is expected to surrender himself to authorities in Miami on Tuesday at 3pm. However, the exact charges remain unclear as the seven-count indictment is still under seal. Trump has stated that he will plead not guilty to the charges.

The charges filed by special counsel Jack Smith in federal district court in Miami include:


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