War in Ukraine

Tragic milestone: Over 500 children killed in Ukraine conflict, says UNICEF

The head of UNICEF has reported that child casualties in Ukraine have reached a tragic milestone, coinciding with a recent report by the UN human rights office highlighting the increasing numbers of deaths and injuries since the Russian invasion in February 2022.

Tragic milestone: Over 500 children killed in Ukraine conflict, says UNICEF

The head of UNICEF has reported that child casualties in Ukraine have reached a tragic milestone, coinciding with a recent report by the UN human rights office highlighting the increasing numbers of deaths and injuries since the Russian invasion in February 2022.

S ince the escalation of the war in Ukraine, at least 501 children have been killed.

“This is another tragic milestone for Ukraine’s children and families,” UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell said.

The latest update from OHCHR recorded 765 civilian casualties in Ukraine from 1 to 31 March, including 178 deaths and 587 injuries.

From the invasion on 24 February 2022 to 2 April 2023, the Office recorded 22,607 civilian casualties: 8,451 deaths and 14,156 injuries.


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