Dark Money

Follow the money: Donations to Tories via Carlton Club raise questions of dark money influencing politics

A company controlled by a wealthy donor, believed to be a major funder of the far right in Germany, has donated another £50,000 to the Carlton Club – which has, in turn, given £1.3m to the Conservative Party.

Follow the money: Donations to Tories via Carlton Club raise questions of dark money influencing politics

A wealthy donor, believed to be associated with the far-right in Germany, has donated an additional £50,000 to the Carlton Club. This club has then contributed £1.3 million towards the Conservative Party.

I n January 2023, Strandbrook Limited, a company co-run by Henning Conle, donated to the Carlton Club, a private members’ club located in London and founded in 1832. Since 2020, Strandbrook has given a total of £150,000 to the club, often referred to as the spiritual home of the Tories.


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