
Victory in Tbilisi: Protesters force ruling party to rescind law threatening Georgia’s EU membership

People took to the streets of Tbilisi, Georgia to protest a new law threatening efforts to join the European Union.

Victory in Tbilisi: Protesters force ruling party to rescind law threatening Georgia’s EU membership

People took to the streets of Tbilisi, Georgia to protest a new law threatening efforts to join the European Union.

P eople have taken to the streets of Tbilisi, Georgia’s capital, on Wednesday to protest against a new law that threatened to undermine the country’s efforts to become a member of the European Union (EU).

For a second day, thousands of demonstrators carrying Georgian, EU and Ukrainian flags had gathered outside the parliament building in Tbilisi and blocked the city’s central Rustaveli Avenue in response to a call from the main opposition party. Police even used water and tear gas against the protesters.


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