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Majority of Britons think UK should maintain support for Ukraine

A majority of the British public believes the UK should maintain its current level of support for Ukraine, according to a YouGov poll.

Majority of Britons think UK should maintain support for Ukraine

A majority of the British public believes the UK should maintain its current level of support for Ukraine, according to a YouGov poll.

As Britain prepares to send Challenger 2 battle tanks to Ukraine, a new YouGov poll has revealed that the majority of the British public believes the UK should maintain its current level of support for Ukraine in its war against Russia.

45% of those surveyed indicated that the UK should maintain the same level of support, while 24% suggested that the UK should increase its support. Only 13% of respondents believed that the UK should reduce its levels of support.

These results demonstrate that the British public is in favour of the UK providing assistance to Ukraine in its war against Russia. This is a positive sign, as it shows that the British public is willing to stand in solidarity with Ukraine and is committed to helping the country in its fight for freedom and democracy.

PMP Magazine

Going Further:

  • Sunak confirms UK will send tanks to Ukraine ‘to push Russian troops back’ | The Guardian
  • Ukraine Survey | YouGov

  • Sources

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