
Petition — Introduce an independent body to enforce the ministerial code on ministers.

What can we do to ensure our government acts with integrity? There needs to be an independent body with the power to remove ministers when they flout the ministerial code.

Petition — Introduce an independent body to enforce the ministerial code on ministers.

What can we do to ensure our government acts with integrity? There needs to be an independent body with the power to remove ministers when they flout the ministerial code.

It is clear that our democracy is broken and that there is no accountability to the people in the highest form of Government. There needs to be a body which has the power to enforce the Ministerial Code on ministers.

If ministers create laws that they then break then they no longer retain the faith of many of the people. The current lack of accountability is shocking. People who make the law should set an example.

As Margaret Beckett, the Labour MP for Derby South, rightly told the House of Commons a week ago:

“What perhaps the American experience may have demonstrated is that a rogue Prime Minister, like a rogue President, can ignore a written constitution as easily as they can an unwritten constitution.

We need greater emphasis on the need for high standards in public life and that that emphasis can be sustained only through a process that is rooted in independence and ensures greater scrutiny of all those who exercise responsibility on behalf of our electorate.”

Breaking the law, especially one you made, should automatically mean being removed as a minister and barred from high office. There needs to be an independent body with the power to remove ministers when they flout the ministerial code.

☑️ Please sign this petition now. It has already gathered over 50k signatures!

PMP Magazine


  • At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament.

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