Every ‘journalist’ pushing the Starmer Beergate story must know it to be false.

What are the media and journalists pushing the Starmer Beergate story distracting their readers from just a few days before the local elections?

Every ‘journalist’ pushing the Starmer Beergate story must know it to be false.

What are the media and journalists pushing the Starmer Beergate story distracting their readers from just a few days before the local elections?

First published: May 2022.

When Keir Starmer was photographed drinking beer, the restrictions for the public had been partially lifted, and mixing indoors for work was allowed. Including eating meals at your desk.

He was working.


In addition, the government had further relaxed restrictions to allow political parties to campaign during the elections.

Starmer was in Durham on a campaign visit, and working in a campaign office. Nobody denies this.

It was permitted.

The Government’s approach to elections and referendums during COVID-19, 25-Mar-2021. | Cabinet Office

The claim Starmer “ate £200 of curry” sounds excessive until you find out the bill was for the entire office, not one man. Even at £15 a head – a pretty modest amount for a pretty standard curry and beer – that is only 13 people.

The Sun, 3-May-2022

The police already looked into all this and found that no laws were broken, and no case to answer.

A few days ago we were told we should ignore Boris Johnson’s parties because “there is a war”, and “it is a waste of police time”.

There is still a war.

And getting the police to investigate twice – when the evidence I have shown proves no law broken – is twice a waste of time.

And it hardly needs pointing out that Boris Johnson headed the government that wrote the rules. It was one party, it was at least 12. Over 50 people have been fined and a further 100 questioned, with more fines expected.

Very different from dinner at work at a time the law allowed it.

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We all know why they are pushing this story.

Sling mud, hope some sticks, and distract from Johnson, Sunak, Hancock mixing with Randox, rapists, coke-heads, tractor wankers, “sexist of the year” awards, and Nadine Dorries being incapable of the most basic of human tasks.

But it is still worth pointing out what utter bollocks the whole thing is, and how a simple look at the legal restrictions at the time of the photo proves nothing illegal was done. It takes 2 minutes.

Every single ‘journalist’ pushing this story must know it to be false.

PMP Magazine

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Russell Jones, Writer, designer, data analyst.


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