Meet Your MP

Meet your MP — Neil Parish

Is there no end to MPs’ bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct, unaccountability or misbehaviour in general? How much do you actually even know about your local MPs? This is Neil Parish, former Conservative MP for Tiverton and Honiton.

Meet your MP — Neil Parish

Is there no end to MPs’ bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct, unaccountability or misbehaviour in general? How much do you actually even know about your local MPs?

This is Neil Parish, former Conservative MP for Tiverton and Honiton.

First published: April 2022 | Updated June 2022.


🌳 Conservative MP for Tiverton and Honiton

MP elected on 6 May 2010 (elected 4 times). He resigned on 4 May 2022.
Majority: 24,239
Voting record
Registered Interests

Neil Parish. | UK Parliament - Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)


2013 Voted against the implementation of same-sex marriage (source)

2016 – Voted in favour of the UK leaving the European Union (source)

2022 – Watched porn in the House of Commons (source)


On same-sex marriage – These things are best left to evolve, this should be for the Church and Christians to decide, not for parliament to legislate.” (source)

On Brexit – “I personally made the case for Britain to remain in the EU as the best option for British agriculture.” (source)

On an MP watching porn in the HoC (before being found out) – “When you’ve got sort of 650 members of Parliament in what is, you know, a very intense area, I mean you are going to get people that step over the line. I think it does have to be dealt with and dealt with seriously.” (source)

On admitting watching porn in the HoC – “The situation was, funnily enough, it was tractors I was looking at, so I did get into another website with sort of a very similar name and I watched it for a bit, which I shouldn’t have done. My crime — my biggest crime — is that on another occasion I went in a second time — and that was deliberate. That was sitting waiting to vote.” (source)


“In the case of porn in parliament, it appears that it was left to a woman MP sitting next to the man in question to report the matter. Forced into an uncomfortable situation by a colleague who didn’t seem to care, she had to take another uncomfortable step in sparking an investigation.” (source)


Neil Parish MP: I'm resigning after porn moment of madness | BBC News
Neil Parish: Who is the MP who watched porn in the Commons? | BBC News
Disgraced Tory MP Neil Parish ‘broke law’ by watching porn in Commons | The Guardian
Neil Parish: Tory MP in Commons porn row resigns and blames tractors | The Times
UK Conservative politician resigns after admitting watching porn in Parliament | CNN
Neil Parish: How his Devon constituency has reacted to suspension | Channel 4 News



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  • Neil Parish MP | They Work For You
  • Neil Parish MP | UK Parliament

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