
COVID in children is not mild.

Kim Wareham’s daughter is 10. After successfully protecting her against the virus for two years, omicron finally got her. Through her testimony, she wants people to know what her suffering has been like and that COVID-19 for children is not mild.

COVID in children is not mild.

Kim Wareham’s daughter is 10. After successfully protecting her against the virus for two years, omicron finally got her. Through her testimony, she wants people to know what her suffering has been like and that COVID-19 for children is not mild.

First published: April 2022.

The UK government has totally abandoned the idea of public health to protect people from a pandemic that is not over, from a virus that is not mild. Fact.

Our cartoonist Kim Wareham’s daughter is 10 years old. After successfully protecting her little girl for two years, the omicron variant eventually got her.

She is now in hospital with Paediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS), on an intravenous drip, and faces multiple organ damage. COVID-19 is NOT MILD.

Xtra | Paediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS)

“Paediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS) is a new condition that happens weeks after someone has had the virus that causes coronavirus (COVID-19). It causes inflammation (swelling) throughout the body which is one way your immune system fights off infection, injury and disease.

“Although most children and young people who develop COVID-19 have no symptoms or very mild ones at the time, we now know that a small number develop Paediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS) a few weeks afterwards. These are mostly young people in adolescence, but children can get PIMS too. As PIMS is a new condition, we are learning about it all the time.”

(Source: Great Ormond Street Hospital)

Kim explained on Wednesday: “She tested positive for COVID yesterday with an LFT. Sky-high temperature and extremely tired, not eating or drinking. Called the GP. The GP saw her within the hour and sent her along to the hospital.

“She was admitted and placed on a drip working two hours. She also had blood taken for tests. She stayed overnight under observation. In the morning, the temperature spiked again. So, more IV meds. The doctor confirmed that it is Paediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome/Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (PIMS/MIS-C).

“She will stay in the hospital again tonight. If the temperature is up in the morning then on to polygram. But she has been given antivirals and the doctor thinks she’ll be okay tomorrow. He has warned us that it often comes back attacking all the organs.

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“So, we need to stay vigilant and watch her for any signs of illness... It’s always been bad, but it’s just got real, you know...

“I am so angry. I seem to be angry at everyone. So many people have failed our children, including people who should protect them, our families, our friends, our teachers.

“But most of all, I am angry with the UK government for failing to protect our children and make schools safe; for politicising masks; for repeating the lie that omicron is mild and that children aren’t at risk; for letting it rip through society. Now my daughter is a victim. I am broken. I am so tired.

It’s not mild. It might be silent in most cases, but this isn’t mild.”

The doctor has since said that Kim’s daughter needs one more IV dose before she can leave hospital. They will then need to watch her temperature for a couple of weeks. It sounds like she is on the mend. Kim now prays she keeps recovering and that there is no long term effects.

PMP Magazine

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Kim Wareham, Mum working with parent advocacy group @SafeEdForAll_UK. Frustrated that Press & politicians don’t talk about the lack of scientific Covid mitigations in schools, she draws cartoons around the issues.


  • Text: This piece was first published in PMP Magazine on 21 April 2022 and published with the author’s consent. | The author writes in a personal capacity.
  • Cover: Adobe Stock/New Africa.