
Latest COVID 🦠

Latest Weekly UK COVID Data

Latest COVID 🦠


COVID-19 levels in England have stabilised after a minor surge in mid-May. The UK COVID dashboard shows consistent case rates, with hospital admissions and bed occupancy for COVID patients significantly lower than in 2023.

Despite the Spring 2024 booster campaign administering 3.9 million doses since April 15, vaccination rates for the immunosuppressed remain low. The campaign is crucial due to reduced vaccine efficacy after 15 weeks and higher hospitalisation and fatality risks for the elderly.

▪ Variant Data


The key observations include a significant decrease in the KP.3 and JN.1.7 variants, while variants such as KP.1.1 and KS.1 saw slight increases. Several new variants emerged during this period, indicating the dynamic nature of the virus's evolution.

Note: Due to processing changes for this dataset, updates to this section of the report are currently temporarily paused from 8 April 2024. Further information on future publication will be provided when available.

In the United States, the CDC’s latest data shows that KP.3 now represents 25.0% of all COVID infections, KP.2 represents 22.5% of cases, LB.1 14.9%, KP.1.1 7.5%, and JN.1.11.1 only 4.4%

▪ COVID Death Data


Last week, there was a decrease in weekly deaths. The total number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 (238,978) still underscores the pandemic’s continuing impact and the need for sustained public health interventions and support for affected individuals, the most vulnerable and their families.

▪ COVID Free Aerosol Transmission Estimator


Try this FREE risk assessment tool to estimate indoor airborne transmission of COVID-19 around you.

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